
would 'ya get a load of this kid?

Well, yesterday was a great day, I must say.

I woke up with a migraine and took one of my new anti-migraine pills called Frovatriptan. I used it instead of the Imitrex injection (always nice not to shoot up if you don't have to...LOL!) Anyway, within two hours the headache went away and it is not back. It has been gone at least 24 hours now. Yippee! Wahooo!!! Also, I got some new allergy medicine and I didn't have to guzzle any Benadryl and become zombie-like. Hard to have "time" with your honey when you are zombie-like,,,,,,so I was quite PLEASED!!!!

Anyway, back to the DAY...after the two bigger kids got home from their fabulous vacation bible school, we went to our neighbors to swim. I mentioned the other day that we got a pool, but it was too big for our level area, and our unlevel area was too unlevel. So last night we drained it and are hoping to take it back tonight. If we get a smaller one it should work....so...no pool parties yet....except at the neighbor's!!!

So here's a few pics from our super fun time. I must go pick up the kids and get some cleaning done around here. It has turned into such a sty with weeks of feeling zombie-ish. I will get the kids to help and we'll see how much we can get done! We are going camping again this weekend so I have to start getting ready for that too. Clean first....make goodies....then pack!
hachacha mucho gusto sombreroit just doesn't get any better than thisthe girl from planet neptuneI EAT SKA-BETTY!!!


Suzanne R said...

Hooray for the new migraine med! I'm so happy for you that it worked well!

Cute shots -- have fun getting ready for your camping trip!

CameraDawktor said...

Gracie and SuzanneR-
Thanks, I still am in need of a daily med that works to decrease my frequency. This one I just take at the onset. Imitrex used to work this well for me too, but the problem is I have to take them more often than I should and they stop working consistently for me.

So while I'm happy, I'm still waiting for the Lamictal to work or waiting to find something else that does. This was a *small* victory.

YCN Jr. High Youth Ministry... said...

hey stranger,

you are going camping again? i am so jealous.

ask me what I am doing this weekend. ya, go ahead, ask. Or I'll just tell you. I'm not camping. Ya. I am so jealous.

Donna~K said...

I'm glad to hear the new medicine is working for you.

The pool party looks like it was fun. :)