
something with a story behind it

Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com

blogger is being a butt, so I am posting from flickr, and just pretend that it says friday.

This story is not about the candles, 'cause I've allready blogged it. It's not about the black and whites or the fireplace, I've allready blogged that too. It's about the color photo in the middle.

This picture ( you may have to click the photo and view it large) was a print my grandma took of the san xavier mission in tucson, az. She passed away the day after thanksgiving. I've already told you (those who've been readers for a while) that she was a fabulous cook and loving grandmother.

What I probably haven't told you is that she was an amazing photographer. Photography was not her passion, serving people and cooking food was. But she was an excellent photographer. I have 3 prints now that she has done hanging in my home, and I made sure a few years ago that I got copies of a few other exceptional works that she did to enlarge at a later date.

One of her photos was chosen to be in a calendar (about the southern oregon coast?) and she was so proud of that accomplishment. So now you know a little more behind my love of food, family and fotos.........

did you play?

something odd #1

Originally uploaded by dogseat.
I found this photo from www.flickr.com/photos/dogseat/ and the next one as well.

Your job is to tell me a story about this photo.

I don't know what you would title it, but my name is:

Never wear white when having your baby on the street!

I'm sure you can come up with a better story......make it good people and leave it in the comment section, but try to keep it PG, my kids will read this someday! LOL!

Choose either this photo or the next one.

something odd #2

Originally uploaded by dogseat.
OK people, give me some crazy stories about this pick.

Don't you think I picked good?

something borrowed

something borrowed
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
This is my something borrowed for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com . Not too exciting I know, but here it is.

My friend moved to Florida last June, then she moved to Hawaii in, gosh I forget now, a few months ago.......now (like today) she is moving to Montana. Long story and I don't have to tell that one!

Anyway, before she left she couldn't take everything with to Flordia and left a lot in storage, so she let me use this espresso machine. I didn't really make espresso in it, but I would steam my milk everyday for my coffee.................


one day I got zapped, like minutely electrocuted. I thought it was because I had the dishwasher and the machine going at the same time, and I forgot all about getting zapped.......


I was talking to my kids and steaming my milk when JUMP! It bit me again. So I told my Dad, the expert electrician and he said, "UNPLUG IT IMMEDIATELY> SOMETHING IS WRONG AND IT IS SEARCHING FOR A GROUND AND IT IS USING YOU!!!!!!! VERY DANGEROUS AND YOU HAVE CHILDREN...YADA YADA YADA.......BLAH BLAH BLAH......."

ok dad, i'll unplug it as soon as I get home......YIKES!

He did say he would look @ it for me, and I haven't had him do it yet, its just sitting on my island staring at me while I'm working on the computer. Denying me my pleasurable steamed 1/2 n 1/2!!!

I better have him look @ it before she comes and visits in July or I may have some explaining to do. I already killed her fish I was babysitting........some kind of friend I am!!

Chit- chat

Chit- chat
Originally uploaded by Kamala L.
I saw this lovely photo today taken by one of my flickr contacts.

She said in her description of the photo: "I thought that such moments of sharing and enjoying a peer's company would do a lot of good to one's mental health."

Isn't this what all of us want? I realized in a fresh new way, that is a lot of the reason why I blog and post pics up @ flickr. I enjoy being connected with people. You and I (Yah you who are reading this right now) are not face to face. But we are head to head, sharing thoughts, insights, discoveries, emotions, life. Nobody wants to feel lonely, and sometimes we do. Loneliness isn't good for one's mental health, which is what I believe Kamala was getting at.

Look at the colors in the picture, they are bright, cheery and happy. Look at their posture. They seem serious about their discussion, intent and intentional. It's simple really, it's not about the Starbucks coffee, or the shopping trip, the lunch out @ a fancy restaraunt.

It's togetherness........and like I told Kamala, it spans all generations, races and religions. It's just about people. And people need people.

If you are a regular here, thank you. Receiving your comments are always, always appreciated and enjoyed by moi.

Clemmy Baby

Clemmy Baby
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Did you ever have an imaginary friend or a favorite stuffed toy?

My favorite was a handmade Raggedy Ann doll. I wasn't one to play with dolls but I loved that little rag doll. Maybe its 'cause she's got red hair, and I like red....and because her clothes were so colorful.....and I like colorful.

Anyway, Raggedy Ann really lived up to her name, and she was well worn. So much so, that one day when I came home from school, she was gone.

Mom had thrown her in the trash.

I wish she would have asked first, and let me decided. But that's my Mom.......

Anyway, maybe she learned her lesson. This is Clemmy Baby. He was my brother's favorite pal. He even had an imaginary friend. I think his name was George. He loved to lay in bed (we shared adjoining rooms until I was 10) and I could hear him tell Clemmy Baby all about his day. What had happened...the good and the bad. He just liked to talk to him, it was his buddy.

My parents are going through 33 years of accumulation in the same house and they are preparing for a garage sale this weekend. Mom found a bag with a bunch of my little brother's old stuffed animals. Out she pulled Clem. Good old Clem. She's going to ask my brother if he wants him, but he rides a Harley, races motocross, has 3 tattoos, and is an electrician. We don't really think he will want him.

I'm not sure where Clem will go if Noonie rejects him. He won't go back in the bag into the attic. Alas and alack, he may get thrown away. Mom may think he's too old (over 30 years) to try to find someone to buy him at the garage sale.

So of course, I had to go out to my minivan and retrieve my camera. (My camera bag is now my purse....you never know when you are going to need a camera!) Here's the photo I ended up with. NO matter what happens to Clemmy, he is now in blogland forever, to be memorialized!

Ain't he cute?


First Seedless Blackberries of the Summer

This evening as I was making dinner the kids were playing around in the yard. My youngest, 5 year old TSE came in with a handful of 5 seedless blackberies, the kind that grow sparse and low to the ground. Much different than the larger, seeded, weed variety.

"Mom, do you want one?"
"Hey, do you want me to take a picture of them?"
"O.K." I eagerly snap two shots.
"I know...you are going to get on the computer...."
"No I'm not."
"Oh..." he sounds deflated.
"I thought you were going to blog it."

Good idea, I think to myself. These kids, one minute they are running to the camera, the next they are running from it. And, they are learning the beauty of a bloggable moment! They are the greatest (my kids) and the blackberries were pretty sweet too!

would 'ya get a load of this kid?

Well, yesterday was a great day, I must say.

I woke up with a migraine and took one of my new anti-migraine pills called Frovatriptan. I used it instead of the Imitrex injection (always nice not to shoot up if you don't have to...LOL!) Anyway, within two hours the headache went away and it is not back. It has been gone at least 24 hours now. Yippee! Wahooo!!! Also, I got some new allergy medicine and I didn't have to guzzle any Benadryl and become zombie-like. Hard to have "time" with your honey when you are zombie-like,,,,,,so I was quite PLEASED!!!!

Anyway, back to the DAY...after the two bigger kids got home from their fabulous vacation bible school, we went to our neighbors to swim. I mentioned the other day that we got a pool, but it was too big for our level area, and our unlevel area was too unlevel. So last night we drained it and are hoping to take it back tonight. If we get a smaller one it should work....so...no pool parties yet....except at the neighbor's!!!

So here's a few pics from our super fun time. I must go pick up the kids and get some cleaning done around here. It has turned into such a sty with weeks of feeling zombie-ish. I will get the kids to help and we'll see how much we can get done! We are going camping again this weekend so I have to start getting ready for that too. Clean first....make goodies....then pack!
hachacha mucho gusto sombreroit just doesn't get any better than thisthe girl from planet neptuneI EAT SKA-BETTY!!!


miss petunia peach with angel kisses - Day 1

Meet my Great-Niece. Little Keilana Marie....a.k.a. Miss Petunia Peach. She entered this world on Sunday June 25, 2006 @ 7:14 pm. Her poor mommy was only in the hospital one hour and fourteen minutes when little miss petunia peach popped out! Whoof, almost a car delivery here.

She is 7lbs. even and 20 in. long. She makes my hubby's biggest sister a Grandma. And she wants to be called MiMi....we just don't know about that!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday we had to take our son Max-Ay to an orthodontist appointment. He is only 7 years old but has a class 3 underbite. So he will have to have braces in two phases....yes, that means twice. So that should not only be expensive but INTERESTING!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Miss Petunia Peach was born in Vancouver, Washington and that's where Max-Ay's appointment was. So after hearing the bad news we went to see our precious Great-Niece and our popped out niece whose the new Mama.

Here's a couple more pics of our darling girl and a few more are up on flickr.
miss petunia peach (Day 1) our sleeping angel
Miss Petunia Peach's Baby Fingers     Day 1

Kev & KJ

Kev & KJ
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
My cousin Kevin ( http://www.wtfnfwomg.blogspot.com ) came for a visit with his son KJ (whom I had never met) all the way from Colorado. It was sooooo great to see them. And KJ is more adorable in person than in the pictures that Kev had sent me. He's 3 and full of energy. He fell in love with Meyers D and I'll post some pics of him buddying up next to her over on the flickr page later.

He's got a couple of tattoos as does my brother, so had to get a picture of the family resemblance! it must run in the family

It was so great to see Kev. We had such good times when he was a little guy. And, I haven't seen him since October when we saw our Grandmother in Arizona for the last time, and then again in December when we were both able to attend her funeral. Up until then, I hadn't seen him since my brother's wedding in July of '99.

So, it was fabulous of him to come out, and especially to bring KJ. Thanks Kev, love 'ya....and hope you update that blog soon so I can see all your great pics!

This is Love!

This is Love!
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
My daugther and my hubby went out Saturday afternoon in the 90 degree heat to pick 23 lbs. of strawberries. I froze some and the next morning made two batches of strawberry freezer jam. We also had 4 cups left for strawberry shortcake that we shared with the relatives.

These are Oregon strawberries, small, sweet and delicious. You don't need any sugar because they are soooooo sweet. And my hubby and daughter were so sweet to go do it. I get super cranky in the heat (hence we bought a 3.5x16 ft. pool yesterday) and my allergies are getting the best of me. So I stayed home with the young'uns while they picked, and then cleaned and cared for all them berries when they got back. So guess that's fair.

My daughter is such a hard worker. She enjoyed helping her dad, came back with a smile on her face, and was so happy to help. Didn't complain a BIT. Now that's love.........she's got the stained hands to prove it!



Originally uploaded by Craig Shillington.
Unfortunately, there's always someone out there in the world who has it worse off than you.

Not that we should revel in others' pain, but sometimes it is helpful and slightly refreshing to be reminded of that.

That's what this pic did for me.

Went to the urologist today and got some bad news. My stones are worse off than they were back in December. I have many.... many....many.

Most look passable, but one on the left (that darn left side!) there is a 7mm one. Those, folks, are impassable.

So.........he didn't know what to do. Let me wait (translates to eventually in the ER, morphine and removal procedure with stint) whenever this sucker decides to go on the move......

OR, blast them again with shockwave lithotripsy. Not a bad experience, just means I could be laid up for a few days to week or longer on drugs trying to pass all that decide to come out.

So, when I told him that I'm going to Thailand next January it was easier for him to decide what to do.

You already knew I was SHOCKING...now I will be schocking-ER.

My underwater date with electricity is set for July 10th. I could have chosen the 3rd, but the drugs would have stopped me from enjoying the firewworks! ARGGGHHH!!!!

So there you have it. Yes I'm joking, but i'd be lying if I didn't say its all slightly depressing. I mean, it sure would be nice to get a break from all the health crap.....but like I told the uro doc, I guess I'm just SPECIAL>


So, after July 10th, if I start writing crazy and bizarre stuff, just remember its the percocet talking NOT ME!!!

my drinking glasses

my drinking glasses
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com 6-23-06

Our drinking glasses, taken @ midnight and b&w. Tried to make a boring subject slightly interesting, but not sure how successful I was at that!!!!

Did you play?

my address book

my address book
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com 6-23-06.

My extremely old address book, taken @ midnight. Yes, the cover is off, it is well used. I have a new one but am too lazy to transfer all the #'s into it. Besides, this one has been around for awhile, so I think I'm attached!

my new hair cut

my new hair cut
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com on 6-23-06.

My new hair cut taken @ midnight. Yes, I know, my tag is up...but it was midnight, who cares?!


I'm Dreaming and I Don't Want to Wake Up!

Have you ever felt like that before?

That's what this pic made me think of.

Well, now we have spent two days @ the school picnicing, riding bikes and playing. I almost wasn't going to pick up the camera yesterday, but I'm glad I did. It was fun.

There's about 23 pics here: http://flickr.com/photos/cameradawktor/sets/72057594142778478/

(of my kids)

and pics here of a girl who was on TSE's t-ball team and her friend Markie here. Markie has amazing eyes, so if you have time, check this out: http://flickr.com/photos/cameradawktor/sets/72157594173389845/

Tonight I get my hair cut, and since I'm supposed to take a pic of something "new" for SPF tomorrow, you'll probably see one of that. Might be boring but I'll see if I can jazz it up.

Also, don't forget to do this tonight before you go to bed: http://flickr.com/photos/dustinf/172718089/

.....just being motherly and looking out for y'all! hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Marsha Marsha Marsha

Marsha Marsha Marsha
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
This is one of my husband's older brother's Dave and his family. He's the one I was telling you about with the kidney stones.

He is doing a little better but not sure if he went back to work today. He passed a few and SURVIVED!

My nephew on the left is almost 19 and in the Air Force. He just finished Basic in San Antonio and is leaving today to go to London for two years, hence the photo shoot. He is learning to build bombs....I sure hope he's careful!

He's a very smart kid but wasn't into doing college yet, so he joined the Air Force. I can't wait to hear all his tales about exploring Europe. He's at such a great age to travel around like that!

To see the other photos I took of the family go here: http://flickr.com/photos/cameradawktor/sets/72157594172400328/

My husband mumbled Marsha Marsha Marsha when he saw this photo, and as a kid, his brothers and sisters (all 6 of them) loved watching the Brady Bunch. So that's what I thought I'd title this photo.

Today I am taking the kids to sign up for the summer reading program @ the public library. They love doing that and they can all read now, (well TSE...just a little bit!) This will keep their skills up over the summer. Max-Ay has made so much progress this year that we don't want him to lose his good reading skills.

Then, we are going to their elementary school to ride bikes, I will walk on their walking track, and we'll have a little picnic. Sounds like fun! And of course, I'll have some pictures of that too!


Justin - 3rd brain surgery

Oh my, somebody, I think her name is Mrs Smarty Pants, commented on my picture today on flickr. I went to her web page and she has an amazing amazing story about her son.

The emergency room doc was telling her to do one thing for her son, which she thought was wrong. She stood her ground, got her way, and turned out to be right!

I haven't read her other posts yet but it sounds like an amazing story of survival, and I thought I'd share it with you all.

Check her out @ http://www.mrssmartypants.net/

I'm glad she found me today......


A LIttle Scream to Help Her Swing

Yesterday evening, after we ate our ice cream, Papa D and I took the kids to practice their golf swing.

I mean, shoot....when an American loses the US Open to an Aussie, people need to get it together and practice the game of golf much harder with their kids.....we just can't be lettin' that kind of stuff happen!


Ater watching his favorite, Phil Mickelson lose in the US Open this Father's Day, Daddy decided to take the kids out to practice their swings.

Today was a good day, got my kidney stone x-ray for my appointment on Friday, will be interesting to see how many are still there, hanging out and growing back together.

Speaking of stones, while I was getting my x-ray for my check up, my brother-in-law had to be taken to the emergency room for...............
drum roll please.................kidney stones!


So, he is at home, on drugs, trying to pass however many they said he had.....we will all wish him a speedy recovery!

For all the photos of Father's Day 2006, go here: http://flickr.com/photos/99125058@N00/170889945/

A LIttle Scream to Help Her Swing

Yesterday evening, after we ate our ice cream, Papa D and I took the kids to practice their golf swing.

I mean, shoot....when an American loses the US Open to an Aussie, people need to get it together and practice the game of golf much harder with their kids.....we just can't be lettin' that kind of stuff happen!


Ater watching his favorite, Phil Mickelson lose in the US Open this Father's Day, Daddy decided to take the kids out to practice their swings.

Today was a good day, got my kidney stone x-ray for my appointment on Friday, will be interesting to see how many are still there, hanging out and growing back together.

Speaking of stones, while I was getting my x-ray for my check up, my brother-in-law had to be taken to the emergency room for...............
drum roll please.................kidney stones!


So, he is at home, on drugs, trying to pass however many they said he had.....we will all wish him a speedy recovery!

For all the photos of Father's Day 2006, go here: http://flickr.com/photos/99125058@N00/170889945/



Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Something fun I made to commemorate Father's Day w/ fd's flickr toys.

What He Didn't Know...

What He Didn't Know...
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
What he didn't know.....was that history doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes you learn from others' mistakes and improve upon their example.

That's my husband. He's a great father, and when we got married, he was afraid he wouldn't be.......

We had a great Father's Day...BBQ'd chicken, coleslaw, ice cream sundaes, a good movie, US Open Golf....church.

I think its been a good day!

Father's Day 2006

Click this link to get the bigger version:

Just a little shout out/ Happy Father's Day to my Poppies and Papa D....and all the other little homie Dad's who might happen to read this today (I think there might only be one! you know who you are..........)

'gonna be lyin' low with the sickies here.......had to postpone the breakfast out w/ my Daddy-0. Fortunately he's retired, so we can easily reschedule.

Let me know what you all are doin'. So far I haven't lost my appetite, so maybe we'll just stay home and BBQ, the day's young, so time will tell.........

*Does anyone know what's going on with the posting through blogger and why there's so many big freakin' spaces between the end of your post and the comments. I can't seem to delete the (enters) no matter how hard I try.

**One more reason to blog through flickr........


The Barf Bag....

You really have to ask yourself now....whose the sicker one, you....or me?! Me for titling my post barf bag, or you for actually reading it?!

Wait, don't stop now...it's actually not about barf, well maybe...I won't lie to you. But I don't think you'll be grossed out...only if you just ate a tuna sandwich.


I've already told you that I had a FANTASTIC anniversary dinner w/ Papa D. And I did! And I already told you how I had too much to drink, well.....at least the meds made it too much to drink.....

So when we got in the truck to leave Portland, I asked the hubby, jokingly............."Do you have a barf bag?" He snickered, said "Yeah....." and reached behind the seat.

I was thinking...What the Heck?!....when he pulls out this BIG, GORGEOUS white bag. Now when a girl asks for a barf bag, she's usually thinking of a paper bag, brown to be exact. But no....not my man, he came prepared. I got the deluxe barf bagola.

Actually, he did something he doesn't do very often. He got me a present. Now before you go giving him kudos, you have to realize that 's why he probably came home 20 min. late. He doesn't think ahead....and before you think he's bad for not usually getting me a present....sometimes we don't even do cards. For birthdays for each other or anniversaries...maybe we're cheap....dunknow...but we usually try to make the occassion special.

So I'm shocked, stunned actually that he had something for me, let alone a barf bag when I asked for one. Just for that I had to make sure I didn't pass out on the drive home (*wink!*)

It's so sweet, he got me a photograph album, look what's imprinted on it....that's just for us, photos of us together. Now ain't that special?! Beautiful view, beautiful dinner, beautiful present,.....beautiful man!

Ugh, blogger's not letting me post the picture of the album, so I'll have to do it from flickr. Man, now I know why I don't blog from blogger anymore, pretty much anymore, its always from flickr.

Back to the barf.....

so the next morning, or afternoon, my middle boy eats a tuna sandwich for lunch. He'd had a cough for a few days, and wasn't interested in the pizza I bought for dinner the night before, but other than that, he seemed....seemed pretty good.

Until after the sandwich. First he started acting goofy, and said his legs felt weird.

Then his eyes looked droopy....and then his teeth started chattering. So we put in Hogan's Heroes, took a nap, and he woke up with a fever. My friend Mr. T called, and I was about t tell him that the boy was sick, when I heard....yup, you guessed it.

No more tuna sandwich.

Ooh, gross,....time to call in the dog.

No, I wouldn't do that, ......but I thought about it hahaha..........

Long story short, now I've got the chills and am very tired with a bachache. Looks like I'm going down too....

at least I have a beautiful barf bag!

My Anniversary Gift

My Anniversary Gift
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
My sweet present from my sweet husband. An album for photos of just him and I, to chronicle our years together. Ain't that thoughtful?!

He's Reflected Everywhere in my Life

I think this was my favorite photo of our night together!


Mean People Suck

Well, I guess crazies are everywhere, even here in nice little blogville. Not at this blog, yet, and God forbid....ever. You folks that come here are all real great and nice.

But some meanies almost shot down one of my most favorite blogs today. My Beloved Monster and Me (
www.belovedmonsterandme.blogspot.com) is written by a dude named....well, he might change his name today. Let's just call him Mr. Cool guy. Anyway, he had this to say in response to some mean people who wrote nasty comments: http://belovedmonsterandme.blogspot.com/2006/06/too-far.html

He's had to turn off the comments on his blog and may have to make some major changes to his name and whereabouts, etc. because of some people who have decided not only to be mean, but to make threats toward his daughter.

You heard me right, amazing but true.

So why am I telling you all this? Because so far, in all my many blogs, I have only had one mean comment that I chose not to post (wasn't on this blog). I was shocked, but after seeing how mean people could be to Mr. Cool guy, I wasn't too surprised.

My point isn't to gossip, just show support to a guy whose writing, parenting and blogging I admire. And, to keep you people I like to call friends on your toes. We need to be careful how much info we share, specifically about our exact locations. You just can't be too careful.

*This drawing was done by TSE for me yesterday. Isn't he sweet?!

What We Inherit

What We Inherit
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
OK kids, there are a whole heck of a lot of pics here this week for SPF, but you're getting used to that right?

Please let me know if you played.......

Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com


My Puzzle, what I've inherited.....the good and the bad. The bad is much harder to figure out than the good.

My Grandma, the young girl on the far right. Her sister, brothers, mother and father. Her father passed away shortly after this photo was taken. Minnesotta, 1930's.

We inherit family, love and sometimes a few things we wished we hadn't.........

My Puzzle, My Mai Tai

My Puzzle, My Mai Tai
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
This is a photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com My puzzle is juggling life around my headaches, the puzzle of what pill to take when, what to and what not to eat or drink.

This is my Office High Mai Thai I enjoyed last night on my 15th anniversary dinner.

Two of these drinks with only a piece of toast on my tummy led to one happy girl. Also, warnings on the pill bottle saying avoid alcohol probably are there for a reason! My new migraine med Lamictal is not a great combo with alcohol!

To put it mildly, I was pretty happy! I don't think he minded too much.......wink!*

The Best Man to Spend Your Life With

Photo for Stuff Portrait Friday @ www.randomandodd.com

My Best

I think the title speaks for itself!

Fancy restaraunt, beautiful night, romantic atmosphere, city view, fine food, true love.........it just doesn't get any better than this!

We had a great 15th anniversary dinner @ the Portland City Grill atop the 30th floor of the US Bankorp Tower.

My Best Piece of Jewelry

My Best Piece of Jewelry
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com

My Best piece of jewelry.

Me atop the US Bankorp Tower in downtown Portland Oregon. The Portland City Grill, where we ate, is on the 30th floor. The west Hills are in the background behind me.

I am drinking a Mai Tai and have on my necklace I inherited from my Grandmother.

My Dad

My Dad
Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
Photo for SPF @ www.randomandodd.com Something Old, this old pic of my Daddy.

My Dad, July 20, 1949 when he still lived in Minnesotta. This would be his 4th Birthday and it looks like Aunt Fern's famous Lightning Klaus cake.



Originally uploaded by Fabio Sabatini.
I've never done this before, but I'm blogging Fabio Sabatini's photo of this homeless man. His stolen captures series is amazing, and I loved his b&w's of homeless men. I loved this title and the caption he wrote for it.

If I was brave, and had more time while the kids were in school, I would set out to capture photos like this.......I really would. Then, I would return to find these people and give them their photos. I think they are beautiful.

This picture shows why I love B&W so much. Color masks things, B&W reveals the emotions of a photo, that's what I believe.

I also chose this photo because I was just Next Blog searching and found a man's blog who lives in the SouthEast. It was ok, and kind of interesting, but he linked to this homeless lady's blog, who blogs from the Public Library. Really, she does, and she is an AMAZING writer. She is extremely intellegent, and honesty. I will definitely go back and visit her. Here's the link if you want to venture over there. She is beautiful, and raw, although I don't believe she realizes the beautiful part about her: http://furyouhin.blogspot.com/

Now I better go leave her a comment and let her know I linked to her.

Happy 15th Anniversary to Me! (And Papa D)

Photo of us dancing @ our wedding. Our church is a former garage for a construction company, hence the concrete floor! We got lucky with a decent background though!

I think he's singing to me here......


Well, I did not get my way (Lawanda that's for you) but he is surprising me @ a restaraunt that two of his co-workers, independently of each other, recommended. So since he called for reservations the day of, we can't get in until 8:30. Wow, we never eat that late. I hope my babysitter can stay late (this will be her first time sitting for us) 'cause its probably in Portland which is an hour away. And, we don't want to be rushed.

I scanned a few photos for a mini slideshow. They don't really go together or anything, just random shots from before and during our 15 years. I hope you will watch it and enjoy. View slideshow

Oh, and I've been quite good on the computer, I've got about 1/2 my housework done. I am feeling so much better, its like I didn't even have a mini breakdown. Can't imagine the Lamictal is working already, it takes a few weeks. Maybe it's just getting rid of some stress and not having any headache for two days (I had one everyday for over a week). Whatever it is, I'm happy about it and glad to finally have some energy to get some long needed things done. Papa D will be so happy when he gets home from work and sees the improvement.

I hope everyone will be having a good Father's Day weekend. We have a graduation party tomorrow for my nephew and are taking my Dad out to breakfast. Sunday we will go to church and the day is pretty wide open for Papa D. He hasn't said how he wants to spend his day yet. I'm sure it will be fun whatever it is!

Honeymoon Photo

Photo of us @ the Excalibur Jousting Performance on our Honeymoon to Las Vegas, NV June 1991.


Argument or Flirtatious Debate?!

OK, so I'm having this argument with my husband.....well, its not really an argument, it's more like a smilling, verbal jabbing, me trying to manipulate, kind of cat and mouse game. Anyways, I just lined up a babysitter for the big 15th anniversary going out to eat (which, by the way, pissed off the first babysitter's dad I called who was slow in calling back).

I want to go here: http://www.skamania.com/about-skamania.php even though its over an hour's drive away, but good memories abound here as we've stayed the night here years ago, and the food is amazing.....gourmet!!!

But nooooooooo...................he doesn't want to drive that far and he has a gift certificate for Applebee's http://www.applebees.com/ . Just kidding, he wouldn't really take me there on such a special night!

So now I don't know where we're going, I tried to smooth talk him and use my charm, but I don't think its working!!!! His last words were that he's already made reservations to surprise me and he can't give it away (yes he's done this maybe once but he's bullsh$#^^ing me!

I have to confess I never got any housework done like I said I was going to, and now I have to move my A@@ tomorrow 'cause this new babysitter's coming over and I want her to want to come back sometime. So I've got to at least clean my bathrooms, vaccume, clean my wood floors and clean up my kitchen. If I'm a good girl and stay off the computer, this should be no problem. We'll just have to wait and see.......


Believe it or not, this was the second time in a block that I saw this upside down & backwards sign. I knew this was a sleepy small town, but those county workers are either high school dropouts or stoned!

A Good Day

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Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
This is one of my favorite pics from the wedding I shot two weekends ago. Believe it or not, this wasn't posed, they were just being silly.

Thanks everyone for putting up with my honesty yesterday. I'm feeling a lot better, still don't have a lot of energy but that's ok, I'm doing so much better. It's too soon for the lamictal to be working but usually you get a couple of days window that are pretty good, just have to be patient for it to start kicking in. I may tell you in a couple of weeks that it doesn't work at all, but so far so good. And, after I took the second Axert yesterday, it took a few hours but my headache went away and so far hasn't come back! Yeah, so today I have to begin the huge task of getting my house looking decent.

Today's a good day. It's raining buckets outside but I only have one place to go today. My nephew and neice are graduating this year and our usual with all the neices and nephews (there are almost 20 of them) is to give them $50 and a monogrammed Bible. Most of them probably don't own one, and its up to them if they read it or not, but at least they will have a nice one that's theirs someday if they choose to open it up. So I need to run down and pick two up.

Oh! TSE's behind me chanting: "The Pink Panther" in a French accent, over and over.

We watched that last night with the kids and it was pretty funny. A little dumb, but great for some good belly laughs which are always good for the soul. Max-Ay was laughing so hard, so many times. Papa D and I agreed that we hadn't heard him laugh quite like that in some time. It was fun just to listen to him. If you haven't seen this movie yet, its worth watching if you are in the mood for some laughs.

Tomorrow is my kids' last day of school and I am realizing that my time with TSE's winding down. Next year is Kindergarten for him and while he's more than ready and needs time with other kids, I'll miss him. He's quite the Ham-Bone!

I think I'd like to say it one more time, It's a Good Day!


Our Cabin

Originally uploaded by cameradawktor.
This was our cozy little cabin we had last weekend. Gosh, I'm just getting done with the laundry (wasn't as bad this time because it wasn't raining) but I'm ready to go back already!

About a month ago I posted this: http://troublealwayshasadoor.blogspot.com/2006/05/where-you-can-find-my-post-today.html it's a link to another blog I started (which I need to update because I have a lot to add....) anyway, its about a medication I was going to start because of menstrual migraines. Well I've been on it about three weeks. It will take a few months before I know if it will help me or not, but a few days after I started taking it I started getting very irritable. Not as bad as when my bipolar was in full swing, but very reminiscent. Slowly over the last few weeks I've been getting worse. I had to quit watching baby JD, I've been having daily headaches and with the mood changes.....it's been much worse (in the past) but things have not been good! Basically, the other day, I realized that if I stayed on this medication I would have to go back on mood stabilizers.

It's kind of disappointing because I have been doing so well. My husband agrees that its one of the best year's we've had. But I have no choice but to address these headaches. I have to be willing to take all sorts of medications, ride out their side effects, and do trial and error ( human guinea pig). I'm not whinning or complaining here, just stating the facts. While it seems ridiculous to be on a birth control pill that is making me go insane only to go on more pills to help me stay sane, I just don't have a lot of options.

Fortunately if some of these new plans don't work the new Neurologist is going to try Botox (which I heard doesn't work for everyone) but shoot, it will get rid of the few wrinkles I have for a few months!

So my newest addition to my daily cocktail is one of the anti-convulsants I haven't tried yet. Lamictal. Supposedly there's few side effects (that's what they all say) only a rash (which is serious, stop immediately) but things couldn't get much worse so I'm going for it. I took my first one today and you have to work up slowly, I won't be at full dose until over a month from now. The good thing about him choosing a medicine like this is because its used to treat mood disturbances ( caused by my birth control pills) and migraines. This is, we hope, going to prevent them or decrease their frequency.

He wouldn't perscribe any new narcotics but I get those from my PC doc anyway, and he gave me a few samples of new triptans to try. I woke up with a whopper today and took the Axert he gave me. It helped, but didn't get rid of it completely so had to take the second pill. So far, its not impressing me. So next time I'll take the other one, its Frovatriptan. I think I've tried one sample of this before, but I'll see how it works. I'm sure I could call and get a third choice of something if these don't work very good.

I find myself thinking that I hope the Lamictal will help, but at the same time I have to be realistic, when about a dozen or so things haven't worked, why would this one?

He (my new Doc) asked me what I hoped to get from him treating me. I looked @ my husband sheepishly because he already knew the answer, and would have said the truth if I uttered a fib. "Honestly, I've had so many things not work that I just don't have any hopes that this will help at all." Sad, but true....anyway, he said, "I had a feeling you were going to say that."

I really liked the guy. He seemed compassionate, he listened, he didn't look @ me like I was a freak or a nutso, so I feel pretty good about going back to him, even though its about 3 months from now. I also have to go back to the psychiatrist, 'cause with these birth control pills I have to be smart and make sure I am under a Doctor's care. It sucks, but the thought of going off these before I see if they are going to help is worse than sucking it up and getting loaded up with a lot more pills. I guess that's the thing about migraines, you'll take or do just about anything to get rid of them.

So back to the cabin, most people think camping is a lot of work, but I feel less guilty sitting around doing nothing around a campfire than doing the same thing at home. And until these side effects get managed, that's pretty much where I'm at, feeling like a human slug. Besides, the fresh air feels good, I like smelling like campfire, hearing the birds and taking a hike when I get a momentary burst of energy. I also like watching the kids think of things to play with each other and ride their bikes. We have such a steep and dangerous driveway, they can't ride bikes @ home and our road is very busy with no sidewalks, so they can't ride there either. Camping is a great place for them to venture off a short way from Mom and feel a little independent.

So hope you don't feel baited into reading this post by wondering what I'm going to say about a nice, cozy little cabin and BAM I hit you with how I've turned into psycho bitch lately. But you know what, there are thousands more like me and maybe one of them right now is doing a google search in a state of desperation and low and behold she finds little old me, and sees I have endearing qualities while trying to plodge along in my little life of suffering. Sometimes its encouraging to know that others out there are willing to share a little slice of their difficulties in hopes of making someone else feel a little better. Shoot, if I can't make myself feel better I might as well make someobody else, at least I'm not wasting airspace then! Ha!

Please don't feel like you have to comment and find something kind to say, silence is fine on this one. It's just an honest update and its my writing space, so it feels good to write!


Camping in Cougar, Washington

Cougar RV Park & Campground is located in Cougar, Washington about 11 miles south of Mt. St. Helen's. It is a great little campground with tent& RV sites as well as two brand new cabins that sleep 5. It is very clean and quiet, with lots of trees.

Swift Resevoir, Beaver Bay and Yale Lake are all within a few minutes where you can fish for salmon and trout. A couple I spoke to had no problems catching their limit in just a few hours.

Also, Cougar is about the closest town to access Windy Ridge @ Mt. St. Helen's. The Ape Caves, Trail of Two Forests, Lava Canyon and numerous more trails are closeby for hiking and exploring.

They are super friendly folks who make you feel like family, bringing you firewood and kindling if you run out and providing tips and directions for things to do and places to see. Ron and Sherry Isbey are the new owners and they run it with their son John. It's a place I'll definitely be going back to.

For more photos of my camping trip in Cougar, go here: http://flickr.com/photos/cameradawktor/sets/72157594163873584/

Their address is 16730 Lewis River Road, Cougar, Washington 98616. Telephone is 360-238-5224. They don't have a website up yet, so thought I'd upload some info here and hope that maybe they would get a few customers through some google searches. Please, if you book a stay with them and you heard about it here, let them know...I'd like to get a couple of free nights in that fantastic cabin!

The RV Park office and home of Ron & Sherry, new owners of Cougar RV Park& Campground.

A few of the RV sites, there are more back in the trees.

One of their two brand new cabins that sleep 5, they run $35 a night.

The clean restroom with stained glass windows!

For more information on Cougar, Washington, go here: