Photo of us dancing @ our wedding. Our church is a former garage for a construction company, hence the concrete floor! We got lucky with a decent background though!
I think he's singing to me here......
Well, I did not get my way (Lawanda that's for you) but he is surprising me @ a restaraunt that two of his co-workers, independently of each other, recommended. So since he called for reservations the day of, we can't get in until 8:30. Wow, we never eat that late. I hope my babysitter can stay late (this will be her first time sitting for us) 'cause its probably in Portland which is an hour away. And, we don't want to be rushed.
I scanned a few photos for a mini slideshow. They don't really go together or anything, just random shots from before and during our 15 years. I hope you will watch it and enjoy. 
Oh, and I've been quite good on the computer, I've got about 1/2 my housework done. I am feeling so much better, its like I didn't even have a mini breakdown. Can't imagine the Lamictal is working already, it takes a few weeks. Maybe it's just getting rid of some stress and not having any headache for two days (I had one everyday for over a week). Whatever it is, I'm happy about it and glad to finally have some energy to get some long needed things done. Papa D will be so happy when he gets home from work and sees the improvement.
I hope everyone will be having a good Father's Day weekend. We have a graduation party tomorrow for my nephew and are taking my Dad out to breakfast. Sunday we will go to church and the day is pretty wide open for Papa D. He hasn't said how he wants to spend his day yet. I'm sure it will be fun whatever it is! |
Back then I was only about 110lbs., but I'm 4'10. Did you ever see my post about how fat I used to be w/ my driver's license? I will have to find the link and e-mail it to you, you won't recognize me!
I had fun tongiht, I'm drunk....I'll tell you about it tomorrow, haha!
Great slideshow. You are a bitty thing!
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